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GC DreamSong Wicked Game

GC DreamSong Wicked Game

CH DreamSong Harper - Tortoiseshell

CH DreamSong Harper - Tortoiseshell

CH DreamSong GreyWalker - blue solid

CH DreamSong GreyWalker - blue solid

GC DreamSong Summertime Sadness

GC DreamSong Summertime Sadness

dilute calico Cornish Rex

GC DreamSong Summertime Sadness

GC DreamSong Summertime Sadness

dilute calico Cornish Rex

GC, RW Catcharm Celia of DreamSong

GC, RW Catcharm Celia of DreamSong

odd-eyed white Cornish Rex

GC DreamSong Saravina

GC DreamSong Saravina

dilute calico Cornish Rex

CH DreamSong Hahna

CH DreamSong Hahna

blue & white Cornish Rex

GC, RW DreamSong Tsunami

GC, RW DreamSong Tsunami

blue solid Cornish Rex CFA's 2nd Best of Breed

GC, RW/QGC, RW DreamSong Frost Moon

GC, RW/QGC, RW DreamSong Frost Moon

Frost snoozing on a road trip.

GC, RW/QGC, RW DreamSong Frost Moon

GC, RW/QGC, RW DreamSong Frost Moon

Frost making a bid to be bed kitten and not have to go back on the plane.

GC, RW/QGC, RW DreamSong Frost Moon

GC, RW/QGC, RW DreamSong Frost Moon

Frost being dignified.

GC DreamSong Maylia

GC DreamSong Maylia

chocolate & white Cornish Rex, 3rd Best Cornish Rex Southern Region

GC DreamSong Hafwyn

GC DreamSong Hafwyn

calico Cornish Rex

GC DreamSong Hafwyn

GC DreamSong Hafwyn

calico Cornish Rex

GC, RW Catcharm Phantom of DreamSong

GC, RW Catcharm Phantom of DreamSong

black & white Cornish Rex

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